How to Maintain A Healthy Blood Sugar

Controlling blood sugar means aiming to maintain blood sugar as normal as possible. But often we think that it’s the sugar and gets affected by diet only. No, it’s not true, and many other factors contribute to blood sugar levels. Along with following a healthy diet, it is also required to keep a check over all the other activities that increase or decrease the blood pressure. Monitoring is the key to maintaining blood sugar, as in which activity increases the pressure or which helps in balancing it.

Apart from diet and medication, there are different ways to maintain the blood sugar level not to raise. Below are some ways to maintain a healthy blood Sugar.

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Ways to maintain healthy blood sugar

  1. Choose your diet wisely: Blood sugar, also known as blood glucose, gets generated from the food we consume. The body’s function is to digest the food and convert it into sugar that gets circulated into the bloodstream. Our body uses this blood sugar for energy to carry out various activities of the daily routine. If too much sugar is released in the blood, then it affects the blood pressure resulting in an increase or decrease of the heartbeat, which also increases heart risks too.
    Following a strict diet is required to maintain blood sugar. Eating foods that are High in fiber, low in carbs and rich in magnesium and chromium. Specifically, keeping a check on the glycemic score of food you eat is a healthy way to track which foods can negatively affect your blood sugar must be avoided. Choose nuts, whole grains, fish, beans instead of sugary drinks, baked items, fried items, artificially added sugar items, etc.
  2. Exercise regularly: Exercise increases insulin sensitivity and decreases unnecessary blood sugar spikes in the body. Exercise also promotes the absorption of sugar from the blood to muscle cells. It differs from patient to patient, which exercise suits them either high intensity or moderate-intensity exercise. Exercise helps to control the blood sugar levels on an empty stomach or on a full stomach too. The activity of exercise helps in increasing insulin sensitivity along with removing the sugar from the blood.
    Another reason is exercise reduces fats from the body. High fats in the body increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and heart strokes, leading to worsening heart health but also invites different complications to a diabetic patient. If the complications increase, it further extends its effect over lungs, kidney, eyesight, etc. Hence a regular exercise is must for a diabetic patient not just to maintain blood sugar but also reduce the risk of other risks associated with heart, kidney diseases, etc
  3. Maintain a healthy weight: Blood pressure patients must keep their bodies flexible and in shape as the increased weight has shown an increased risk of heart health. Portion control can play a major role in managing weight. By monitoring your food intake, you can easily avoid foods that increase fats in the body. The central fat body can have a long term effect on the heart and increase the risk of heart stroke.
    A close check on what you eat can help to maintain the balance of your weight. Increased weight means decreased body movements and raised obesity. Obesity has been a threat to people with diabetes, and if not controlled in time, then it can worsen diabetes to many other diseases. Also, once you are overweight, it becomes difficult to control the blood sugar levels as every activity has an effect on your heart rate and can lead to respiratory diseases too. Weight loss should be a priority for blood pressure diagnosed patients as it has been a major contributor to increasing complications.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Staying hydrated has its benefit to the body, but less percentage of water in the body can lead to sugar spikes. As a result of dehydration, the kidney encourages the retention of fluids. It discourages sugar removal through urine, leading to an increase in the amount of sugar in the blood, which can increase or decrease blood pressure.
    Water is a non-calorie drink and should be drunk as soon as you feel thirsty or during your exercise session. Along with water, fresh fruit juices make a good choice, vegetable fluids that can help in increasing the water level in the body. Dehydration has also shown its connection with insulin resistance. It does not allow glucose to enter the cells, in turn, increases the sugar level in the blood, raising the blood sugar in the body. Drinking water regularly rehydrates the blood and reduces the various risks associated with diabetes.
  5. Choose a healthy lifestyle: Diabetic patients must follow healthy habits. But what does a healthy lifestyle mean? A healthy lifestyle means inculcating good habits in everyday routine like choosing foods that do not increase sugar, exercising daily, and, most importantly, managing stress, avoiding toxic habits, and focusing on a schedule with sound sleep.
    Stress is a triggered response of the human body to a real or perceived sudden change of adjustment. This reaction tends to release some hormones that either help you to fight the situation or run away from it. While our body chooses to face the situation, it’s nothing but the stress management we do. But if we get tense, depressed about the situation, and can’t handle it, then our heart rate increases, basically involving anxiety or depression. But this for a diabetic patient can turn into hypertension. Hypertension increases the risk of heart diseases. So, following ways to control stress and taking help to manage stress should be taught for a healthy lifestyle.
    Sound Sleep: Sleep is a necessary time for the body to carry out various functions like digestion, neurological functions, etc. If the body does not get enough sleep, then the other day, a person feels tired, weak, or dizzy. In the case of a diabetic person, a schedule is a must, and if he/she misses the much-required sleep, then there are chances they might feel more tired, nervous, or depressed, increasing the stress over themselves and might lead to an increased heart rate. So, sufficient sleep helps to have a healthy routine and refreshing mornings.
    Eliminating Toxic habits means cutting down smoking and consumption of alcohol. Smoking has its effect on the lungs and respiratory tract, whereas alcohol directly affects the kidneys and liver. Alcohol, if not consumed in limits, can damage the kidneys. Also, more alcohol means the body’s focus goes to removing it from the body and thus slows down all other functions of the body. For a diabetic person, it’s not good at all to invite other complications.
  6. Medication: If you are diagnosed with a risk of blood pressure, then to control it naturally becomes quite difficult. Treatment and medications are just the right and fast way to balance the right amount of sugar in the body every day. Along with putting in the other natural efforts, the dose prescribed, the doctor requires strict adherence. Missing on the medication can cause the risk of many other diseases.
    To control the blood sugar naturally, one has to start from the normal levels. So if you have sensitive blood pressure, then do not try ever to avoid the medications, then may it be of sleep, infection, or insulin.

Diabetes is a tough disease to get rid of practically. But a very strict diet and following good habits can help you to reduce it. To get free from diabetes, try the Diabetes Freedom online program that will teach you what and how to eat to flush the fatty deposits out of your system to reduce diabetic complications and become diabetes-free.

Read: Home Remedies For Treating Diabetes


It’s not easy to lower the blood sugar from the body, but a consistent effort to do so and following a healthy routine can help you to maintain it to a normal level. It’s not necessary to always aim at getting rid of blood pressure, but always trying hard to keep it to a minimum level should be a goal.

Monitoring your everyday activities as well as how your occasional activities can spike blood sugar should be under a thorough check. It helps to analyze and avoid the activities that affect the blood pressure highly but also to put your habit to adhere to various terms and conditions to stay or only undertake such activities that do not increase blood sugar levels.

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